Passive Building is a kind of low-energy house, whose indoor air ventilation, air purification, heating supply,and .. [View Details]
Source:Energy World Post Date:2015-11-30The countries in the world have different steel standards grade, and the corresponding code of regulation. Furthermo.. [View Details]
Source:Zengom House Post Date:2015-11-26The steel amount is related to column distance,width span, roofing slope gradient, eave heigh, supporting system and.. [View Details]
Source:正工房屋转自诚信钢构联盟 Post Date:2015-11-09There is a huge gap in Industrialization of Construction between China and developed european countries. [View Details]
Source:China Construction News Network Post Date:2015-10-23钢结构具有强度高、工程造价低、自重轻、施工周期短和可工厂预制化制作等优点,然而,我国钢结构房屋建筑占全国房屋建筑总量.. [View Details]
Source: Post Date:2015-10-20